13 research outputs found

    Additional file 5: of Expression profiling of Trypanosoma congolense genes during development in the tsetse fly vector Glossina morsitans morsitans

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    Table S2. Differentially expressed genes between C- and PB-parasites. Sheet 1. Differently Expressed genes (FC ≥ 2) between C-parasites and PB-parasites with FDR, P < 0.05. Sheet 2. Moderately differently expressed genes (FC < 2) between C-parasites and PB-parasites with FDR, P < 0.05. Sheet 3. Differently expressed genes (FC ≥ 2) between C-parasites and PB-parasites with FDR, P < 0.05 only with CLC-Genomics tool. Sheet 4. Differently expressed genes (FC ≥ 2) between C-parasites and PB-parasites with FDR, P < 0.05 only with EdgaR software. Sheet 5. Differently expressed genes (FC ≥ 2) between C-parasites and PB-parasites with FDR, P < 0.05 with proteomics data from [25]. (XLSX 1187 kb

    Additional file 3: of Expression profiling of Trypanosoma congolense genes during development in the tsetse fly vector Glossina morsitans morsitans

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    Figure S1. Overview of T. congolense transcriptome analysis from infected G. morsitans cardia or proboscis. a Processing of RNA-seq reads from G. morsitans cardia or proboscis 28 days post-infection with T. congolense TC13. b Mapping statistics of T. congolense TC13 reads from G. morsitans cardia or proboscis to the T. congolense transcripts. c Spatial distribution of the most abundantly (99 percentile RPKM) expressed T. congolense TC13 genes between cardia or proboscis infections. Shared genes with higher expression in cardia or proboscis are indicated with ‘*’ in respective directions. (TIF 1642 kb

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Tsetse fly (Glossina pallidipes) midgut responses to Trypanosoma brucei challenge

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    Canonical gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of significantly differentially expressed transcripts in the female G. pallidipes 24 or 48 h post-challenge with T. B. brucei. (XLSX 14 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Tsetse fly (Glossina pallidipes) midgut responses to Trypanosoma brucei challenge

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    Validation of G. pallidipes RNA Seq data with qPCR RNA-seq expression values (log2 ratios) for ten genes plotted against qPCR values (log2 ratios). Figure S1. RNA-seq expression values (log2 ratios) for ten genes plotted against qPCR values (log2 ratios). (PDF 1742 kb